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Life Insurance Calculator

Many consumers understand they need life insurance but a lot of times have no idea how much and if they should by term life insurance or permanent life insurance.

EasyQuotes4You is here to help. We have supplied a simple life insurance calculator for you to use. This will help you determine how much life insurance you need to make sure your loved ones are protected.

After your finished get a fast, easy quote here.

Types of Life Insurance

Now that you know how much life insurance you need, the next question what type do I buy. We are going to give a brief explanation to help guide you towards the best life insurance policy available.

Their are two types of life insurance products sold:

Term Life Insurance

Life Insurance Calculator

Term life insurance is most popular among consumers because of its simplicity and usually affordable premiums.

Term life insurance usually has level premiums and death benefit for the chosen number of years. Most term life will cover you for 10, 15, 20, or 30 years.

Term life is very affordable especially for consumers 60 and below.

Permanent Life Insurance

Permanent Life Insurance is just like it sounds, it’s permanent. Most permanent life insurance have guaranteed premiums and guaranteed death benefits to age 120. Permanent life also builds up cash value.

Permanent life insurance can be pricey so it’s important to lock it in when you are younger. Their are two type of Permanent life insurance to choose from.

Let us help you with your life insurance needs. If you have any questions or need quotes, please give us a call or use are quoter in the side bar.